After a lot of debating with myself on whether or not to start back up a blog for this site I finally decided to jump in and do it. There are no promises on how frequently you will find me here or how fancy and involved my posts will be, but here I am. I want this to be a space where I can share all the details of projects I am working on, before and afters, behind the scenes snippets of my business, and maybe even a post or two that are a little more personal so you can know me just a little bit better. Think of this as the not so buttoned up side of SF Interiors;) So if you choose to follow along, first of all, thank you! Second, please let me know what kind of content you want to read and see, more business/project related? More of my own humble abode and personal life? Lay it out there and I’ll see what I can do:)

BUT, to start us off I have some pretty killer content if I may say so myself. The “Landre Lane Kitchen Remodel” may just be my favorite project to date. The client, the contractor, the suppliers, honestly it was just smooth sailing and thats pretty much a designers dream. I can’t wait to share not only the before and after pictures with you, but also a peek into my process, drawings, and all of the things that have to happen to make a huge kitchen renovation come to life. So while I put that post together I will leave you with just a little sneak peek to make you come running back this Friday for the full post:)

Landre Lane Remodel SF Interiors